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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Im a Cop you idiot!

I was almost a cop yesterday. A real cop. I has an assignment to post a notice on a squatters shack telling the occupants to get out. My boss told me that the mission would be dangerous, so I was to go with a municipal enforcement officer. I was to be escorted with the shield in his very own vehicle. Me riding shotgun with the boys in blue. Or black, cause they wear black here. We were to go from downtown to old town to face our suspects. They would give me a govenrment issued gun. Staple gun that is, to post up the notice to warn these low lives to get out of the shacks they are squatting in. It would be dangerous, but they knew I was the man for the job. They knew I could walk the beat and tackle the heat. I was their development officer. If they were to provoke us in any way, I have the training for these situations. I know what the stakes are. When the pressure is on, they know who to call.
Of course at the last minute they said it was a no go for legal reasons and my dreams were shot. All of this was in my head too. This happened at work, but didn't really happen.


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