We won our curling game on friday 6 to 1. We swept our asses off and came together as a team. I celebrated by singing some journey at the karaoke bar. One of the ladies in the bar watching me said that I was good, but too timid. I took that as an insult. Im not timid, but rather intimidating, thus making others timid by my prescence. No im not. I don't even know what Im rambling about. We walked 200 metres to another bar after the karaoke was finished, and almost died from the intense cold. I decided againsty wearing my parka that night because I assumed the booze would keep me warm. The bad guy from Under Siege 2 said and I quote, "Assumptions are the mother of all fuck-ups," and he was right in this case. I've been waiting to say that line for who knows how long, and Im glad I got the opportunity. Last night we went to a kegger. There was a fire and a guy fell into it due to his tomfoolery hocus pocus, show jumping over the fire forcing him to go to the hospital. He burned his hand real good. The funny thing, is that I was egging him on to jump over the fire. I hope he's alright. After the kegger, I could barely walk. It was the drunkest I think I've been since I got here. I felt like death this morning, making it to curling practice for 11. I took a nap, and now this mornign feels like it was 3 days ago. I don't get it.
There is a store in the mall that sells katana blade swords for wall decorating purposes. I want one for my office.
There is a store in the mall that sells katana blade swords for wall decorating purposes. I want one for my office.
On November 19th both yoursand my blog posts end on the subject of katanas.
I was fully expecting Mike Harris to show up and ask you some post-game questions about your team's strategy and how the team overcame the vice's missed shots in the fourth end.
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