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Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Today was the first day I ate out in two weeks, and I wouldn't really call it eating out, cause it was KFC. I don't like it when people write in their blogs about stupid shit like what they had for dinner, but Im going to do that because I'll tell it in a funny manner. First off, I waited in line for a good twelve minutes with no acknowledgment of my exisitence then finally after I cleared my throat (and I don't like doing cockface things like that) I got the ladies attention. So I order my meal. I decided to get a salad. Apparently in the KFC native tongue, saying 'large Peach Pecan salad' actually means a small ceaser salad. Well it must, because thats how they interpreted it. Alright so all they have to do to get my meal is dig in the little refridgerator at the front and give me the fucking pre-packaged bowl of salad. But nooo..stupid lady at the register has to wait for the guy in front of me's chicken to cook so she can bag it and give it to him before she reaches in the fridge to get my pre-made/packaged meal that's right in front of her. So the bitch makes me wait another 10 minutes. Im a passive coward, thats why I didn't say anything. And I wasn't in a rush. I just like some common courtesy used, with a little common sense. Anyways while Im waiting, the one redeeming quality of the whole experience makes its way out of the kitchen of the KFC to the front. It was a tiny 3 and a half foot woman who had the exact face of Geena Davis in the movie Beetlejuice, but at the part when Ortho is bringing her back to life in her wedding gown and her face was all shriveled. Yeah, this ladies face looked exactly like that. I wish I had my camera because the resemblance was uncanny. I may go tommorow and take some pics if shes there.
There was another lady who looked weird, but how she looked wasn't funny-weird. It would probably be mean-weird if I described it so I won't. Ah what the hell, she looked like a scientist injected gelatin into her neck to give her neck region a rubberey girth; shot her face with a shotgun and then beat her senseless with a raw turkey. Then the scientist shit in the turkey to make a nice holiday stuffing, allowing the woman to eat it (which she did voluntarily). She digested the poo stuffing and began sweating it out of her pores to give her that awful smell that she exuded throughout the KFC...she smelled like poo heaven.

After writing this im thinking, who the fuck orders a salad from KFC? Im so lame.

New blog feature: Marks Super Question #1
Quick: Name 3 movies where Christopher Lloyd is a villain?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Who framed roger rabit
2. Dennis the menace
3. Star Trek 3

December 22, 2006 10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait... was it dennis the menace?
ohhh im thinking problem child with Micheal Richards. Yea it was.

December 22, 2006 1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was in Dennis The Menace??

What about The Addams Family?? He was the bad guy ending up as the good guy...

Does that count?


January 02, 2007 7:51 PM  

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