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Location: Canada

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Passing Out

It seems everytime I get really intoxicated, I pass out. The first photo is from last night. We had a party. If you zoom in, you will notice that my face is covered with chocolate. I faintly remember eating it; not smearing it on my face, and subsequently passing out from the sugar crash.
I used the magic bullet for the party and it stole the show. I made pina coladas, a roasted red pepper dip and other treats in the blending device. My sister told me to make a 'spread with the bullet, and create another 'spread' on the table with things that can be dipped and the goal was for someone to say, "Nice spread Mark." I achieved that goal. Its a good thing my goals have some sort of validity to them and that I aim them so high.
The other photo was from a couple of months ago. I have another photo somewhere of me passed out on all the shoes in the apartment, but I can't find it. Its a good thing Ben has the sense to take my picture when im in my best condition.
We recieved a noise complaint last night in regards to our party. Bens blog sums it up nicely, and I suggest you read it.


Blogger Unknown said...

seriously, you'll rot your teeth.

is that an air conditioner???

January 23, 2007 3:32 PM  

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